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About Us

The Gallo family were globe trotters,
some might say adventurers.

We never even dreamed that we would end up spending every summer in the same place.

But then one year we came upon this old farmhouse, surrounded by nature and with a particular charm which captivated us.

We could not give it up, even when it meant travelling for two summers from the Middle East.

Vojta learned to swim here. He ate his first gnocchi with pesto and beans “alla uccelleto” and now cooks Italian meals at home.

Ema spent her first summer here and is literally a “Vitalba girl”.

In the nearby village of Castellina Marittima there is our favorite bar, Il Muretto, where we have our leisurely breakfast every morning and check our email while the children play in the piazza across the road, which by pure coincidence is called Piazza Gallo. 


Our friend Bruno says that we know Castellina better than the locals.

Over the years we have invited many

or our friends to come stay with us

and several have returned more than once.


If you open up to Vitalba it will enter your heart as it has ours, once and for all.

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